Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hot Air Ballooning Essay

This outstanding narrative essay was written by Ellen Young in our CBB AP English class. CBB students could learn a great deal from Ellen's essay. In particular, she uses a variety of types of figurative language in her essay. She weaves them into her story with ease and grace. Leave a post and note any figurative language examples you can find.~ Mrs. Hempton

Hot Air Ballooning

The complex sensations during liftoff, the thrill of the sights below, and the adrenaline released throughout landing are all special memories from an incredible hot air ballooning experience. After attending the wedding of a family friend in Oroville, California, my family and I began exploring more of what California has to offer. Included in this exploration was an adventure high above the tree tops. This once-in-a-lifetime hot air ballooning trip brought many wonders and surprises that will be etched in my memory forever.

          At 5:30 am, as I stepped out of the car from the hour long drive out into the country, the initial wave of anxious excitement hit me. Until this point, I had been half asleep, but the cold nip in the air snapped me out of this drowsiness. As I surveyed the serene launch site, I noticed the sun hinting its arrival into this currently dark morning. When the pilots began their explanation of what we were about to experience and the many dangers involved, a wave of numbing fear washed over me. This emotion was soon replaced by an eagerness to be up in the air, once we began taking pictures in front of the inflating balloons.

          My eager anticipation was assuaged when the pilot motioned for us to board the basket. As efficiently as possible, Caleb, Mrs. Ezzo, Mom, and I completed the challenging task of climbing into the basket. What happened after that was one of the most memorable moments I experienced that morning. The blast of fire released into the balloon by the pilot propelled us upward. As I peered over the side of the basket, I witnessed the ground falling away beneath us. The horizon broadened before us as we steadily ascended. Then a new sensation took over.

          When we reached our traveling height of 2,000 feet, I felt like a feather. Any perception of movement was gone. It was as if we were dangling motionless from a string where the slightest puff of air could push us a thousand miles. There wasn’t the slightest hint of noise coming from outside of the basket. Silence. Though from inside the basket, the whooshing of the fire, hushed chatter from the passengers, and the pilot radioing to base could be heard. As the sun made its glorious entrance into the day, the rolling hills spread out before us acquired a coat of gold. A distant mountain range loomed ominously above the plains. Small lakes and farms were sprinkled throughout the rural landscape. Interrupting the relatively flat horizon, stood skyscrapers so far away they seemed like tiny black smudges against the hazed sky. As I stood drinking in all the breathtaking sights, the pilot interrupted my thoughts with the announcement that we needed to prepare for landing.

          The pilot went on to explain how and where we ought to stand inside the basket during landing. Back to back with another passenger, each of us grasped the “landing” handles producing many white knuckles. Due to rocky terrain and unexpected forests, we had to postpone the landing until we could find an appropriate landing site. We relished the unforeseen extended ride. As soon as a clearing was spotted, we all hunkered down into our positions for landing. Thud! Our first encounter with the ground nearly sent the basket on its side forcing us to tighten our grip on the handles. After the first bounce, the basket sailed a few feet in the air and came down even harder the second time. The third and final contact with the ground sent the basket completely sideways as it plowed large skid marks across the terrain. Dangling from the edge of the basket, facing the sky, with my back against my brother I painfully waited for the pilot to give us the “OK” to crawl out of the basket. Fully realizing the obscure position we were all in, many of us burst out laughing. Our post-landing chattering included the sharing of emotions and challenges we faced during the rough landing. The exciting landing was definitely a highlight of the flight.

          Bringing countless moments of admiration and amazement, this hot air ballooning trip will not easily leave my memory. This exploration of a new experience was a morning well spent. From the moment we pulled up to the dark launching site to when we completed our adventure laughing at the predicament we were left in, I soaked in every sensation possible. As Oscar Wilde accurately states, “memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.”

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